How Do Drugs Influence Neural Communication?

In this video I describe how psychoactive drugs can influence neural communication by passing through the blood-brain barrier and acting as either agonists or antagonists. The brain also responds to this influence via neuroadaptation which can create tolerance and withdrawal to certain drugs. In addition to this physiological aspect of … Read More

Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)

In this video I explain the concept of long-term potentiation, which refers to the strengthening of neural connections due to repeated synchronous firing. Repeated firing leads to changes in chemical signaling between the two neurons, influencing neurotransmitter and receptor activity. Next I introduce an example of this with the possible … Read More

Drugs and Neurotransmitters: Agonist or Antagonist?

In this video I discuss some ways that drugs can influence the functioning of neurotransmitters by binding to receptors on postsynaptic neurons. I explain the difference between agonist drugs which increase effects of a neurotransmitter and antagonist drugs which reduce the effects of the neurotransmitter. I explain how nicotine acts … Read More