How is the IB Psychology External Assessment Graded?

The IB Exam external assessment is based entirely on free-response writing and uses a rubric system (in IB lingo answers fall into a “markband”) which helps graders categorize the quality of responses and assign numerical scores. As you’ll see, determining which descriptors best apply to a response can be tricky, so some responses are randomly sent to Senior Examiners for moderation to help ensure grading is consistent. How the marks from each paper contribute to your overall IB score varies depending on whether you take SL or HL. For the differences in these weightings, see this post:

The SAQs

The Short-Answer Questions on the IB Psychology exam use markbands which range from 0 to 9 marks.

Here are the markbands for the short-answer questions:

0 :  The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1-3  : The response is of limited relevance to or only rephrases the question. Knowledge and understanding is mostly inaccurate or not relevant to the question. The research supporting the response is mostly not relevant to the question and if relevant only listed.

4-6 : The response is relevant to the question, but does not meet the command term requirements. Knowledge and understanding is accurate but limited. The response is supported by appropriate research which is described.

7-9 : The response is fully focused on the question and meets the command term requirements. Knowledge and understanding is accurate and addresses the main topics/problems identified in the question. The response is supported by appropriate research which is described and explicitly linked to the question.

The ERQs

The Extended-Response Questions on Paper 1 and Paper 2 are also graded using markbands, broken into 5 criteria. The marks for each of these criteria are added together, resulting in a total possible score of 22 marks. As with SAQs, how much these marks contribute to your overall IB grade depends on whether you are taking SL or HL. Here’s how each marks are assigned for each of the categories:

Criterion A – Focus on the Question (2 marks)

0: Does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1: Identifies the problem/issue raised in the question.

2: Explains the problem/issue raised in the question.

Criterion B – Knowledge and Understanding (6 marks)

0: Does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1–2: The response demonstrates limited relevant knowledge and understanding. Psychological terminology is used but with errors that hamper understanding.

3–4: The response demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding but lacks detail. Psychological terminology is used but with errors that do not hamper understanding.

5–6: The response demonstrates relevant, detailed knowledge and understanding. Psychological terminology is used appropriately.

Criterion C – Use of Research to Support Answer (6 marks)

0: Does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1-2: Limited relevant psychological research is used in the response. Research selected serves to repeat points already made.

3-4: Relevant psychological research is used in support of the response and is partly explained. Research selected partially develops the argument.

5-6: Relevant psychological research is used in support of the response and is thoroughly explained. Research selected is effectively used to develop the argument.

Criterion D – Critical Thinking (6 marks)

0: Does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1-2: There is limited critical thinking and the response is mainly descriptive. Evaluation or discussion, if present, is superficial.

3-4: The response contains critical thinking, but lacks development. Evaluation or discussion of most relevant areas is attempted but is not developed.

5-6: The response consistently demonstrates well-developed critical thinking. Evaluation or discussion of relevant areas is consistently well developed.

Criterion E – Clarity & Organization (2 marks)

0: Does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1: The answer demonstrates some organization and clarity, but this is not sustained throughout the response.

2: The answer demonstrates organization and clarity throughout the response.

Paper 3 Assessment (HL only)

Paper 3 is a one-hour examination on approaches to research. Students are given stimulus material to read, which may use qualitative or quantitative research methods, or a mixture of both. Drawing from the stimulus material, students are required to answer 3 questions worth a total of 24 marks. Question 1 is worth a total of 9 marks, with three static questions each worth 3 marks. Question 2 is worth 6 marks. Question 3 is worth 9 marks.

Question 1 (9 marks)
Question 1 (actually 3 questions) will consist of all of the following questions, for a total of 9 marks:

(A) Identify the research method used and outline two characteristics of the method.
• 1 mark for correctly identifying the research method and up to 2 marks for outlining two characteristics of the method.

(B) Describe the sampling method used in the study.
• 1 mark for correctly naming the sampling method and up to 2 marks for accurately describing at least two characteristics of the method.

(C) Suggest one alternative or one additional research method that could be used to investigate the aim of the original study, giving one reason for your choice.

• 1 mark for naming one alternative or one additional research method and up to 2 marks for providing a relevant reason with a rationale for selecting the alternative or additional method.

Question 2 (6 marks)
Question 2 will be one of the following two questions, worth a total of 6 marks.

Describe the ethical considerations that were applied in the study and explain if further ethical considerations could be applied.
• 1 mark awarded per relevant (described) ethical consideration applied in the study, up to a maximum of 3 marks.
• 1 mark per (explained) relevant ethical consideration that could be applied, up to a maximum of 3 marks.


Describe the ethical considerations in reporting the results and explain additional ethical considerations that could be taken into account when applying the findings of the study.
• 1 mark awarded per relevant (described) ethical consideration in reporting the results, up to a maximum of 3 marks.
• 1 mark per (explained) relevant ethical consideration that could be taken into account when applying the findings of the study, up to a maximum of 3 marks.

Question 3 (9 marks)
Question 3 will be one of the following questions, worth 9 marks.
• Discuss the possibility of generalizing/transferring* the findings of the study.
• Discuss how a researcher could ensure that the results of the study are credible.
• Discuss how the researcher in the study could avoid bias.

*Only the relevant term (generalizing or transferring) will be used in examinations, depending on whether the question relates to a quantitative or qualitative study.

Question 3 markbands:

0: The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1–3: The question is misunderstood and the central issue is not identified correctly, resulting in a mostly irrelevant argument.  The response contains mostly inaccurate references to the approaches to research or these are irrelevant to the question. The reference to the stimulus material relies heavily on direct quotations from the text.

4–6: The question is understood, but only partially answered resulting in an argument
of limited scope. The response contains mostly accurate references to approaches to research
which are linked explicitly to the question. The response makes appropriate but limited use of the stimulus material.

7–9: The question is understood and answered in a focused and effective manner with an accurate argument that addresses the requirements of the question. The response contains accurate references to approaches to research with regard to the question, describing their strengths and limitations.
The response makes effective use of the stimulus material.

Struggling with some psychology concepts? The Master Introductory Psychology guide can help!

2 Comments on “How is the IB Psychology External Assessment Graded?”

  1. Pingback: How Are IB Psychology Grades Calculated? May & November 2022 Modifications | Psych Exam Review

  2. Pingback: What’s on the IB Psychology Exam? | Psych Exam Review

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